Why I’m not a "true" travel blogger (aka why I really write this blog)


I just read this excellent post on Kay’s From India with Love blog and it really resonated with me.

Kay, a Canadian who has been living in India for the past two months, basically outlines that, despite the occasional pressure to produce beautifully written posts with amazing pictures, she isn’t a travel blogger, and has no desire to be.

In her own words:

“…somewhere in the past two months, I think I put a bit of pressure on myself to blog things that were “blog-worthy”…whatever that means. To come up with the perfect pictures to illustrate nicely written posts; you know – all pro-travel blogger like.But that’s not me. I’m not a pro-travel-blogger (heck I’m not even a travel blogger less the pro title lol) and really, I don’t want to be. I’m much too casual me thinks. And random. I like having a casual conversational tone/writing style – it’s me.”

What she wrote really struck a chord with me. Because I realized that, according to this criteria, I’m not a “true” travel blogger either.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about why I write this blog and, as more people read along, where I want this blog to “go”, at least in the figurative sense.

Upon some reflection, I’ve realized that I don’t write because I necessarily want fortune and acclaim (though that would be nice!), nor do I write to show off my writing nor photos (which are only decent at best). It goes deeper for me than “reporting”.

So why do I write?

I write because I want to share my experiences as a young woman who travels and who etches out an existence far away from home. Hopefully my experiences will encourage someone to go out and do the same and show that this expat/travel thing CAN be done.

I write because blogging has allowed me to keep up a certain running dialogue with all kinds of like-minded people the world over.
I like reading and commenting on blogs, and like when people share their opinions or observations based on something I have written about on here. In this way, I am both voyeur and participator in what you care to share on the interwebs, and inciter and moderator of discussion that is borne from what I write on here.

I write because I want a keepsake or rememberance of what I have seen and done so I can show my future children that their “stick in the mud” mom was actually pretty adventurous back in the day. Besides, I have always been terrible at keeping handwritten journals.

However, most of all,

I write because I read and am inspired by YOUR blogs.
I love reading about what you’re up to whether you live at home or abroad. Your travel-themed posts on where you live, where you have been, and where you are going incite emotions from wanderlust (“Man, I REALLY want to go there now!”) to recognition (“Omigosh! I TOTALLY had the same experience when I went to *insert destination here* ). I have met people virtually that I just click with and would be fast friends with if ever we were to meet in real life!

So forgive me if my pics aren’t National Geographic-worthy, or if my writing style is clumsy and anecdotal. Forgive me if my travel posts don’t tell you which hotel or restaurant will give you the best deal (though if you ask me, I’ll try to find out for you!), or if my posts about my what I’m wearing don’t tickle your fancy. Forgive me if my day-to-day life as an expat in Hong Kong bores you. I’m not a “true” travel blogger. To use a metaphor, I’m more of a jambalaya; I write about a variety of things that cover a few different topics and range from the mundane to the extraordinary.

Will you continue to join me for the ride?

I hope so. Besides, I figure if you wanted detailed travel reports, Lonely Planet would probably do a better job, no?

Anyway, now I want to hear from you. Are you a travel blogger? Why or why not? Why do you blog and what type of things do you blog about?


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  • You are totally a travel blogger! 🙂 I really have a hard time with some of the larger travel blogs that seem to make you think that if you don't have pro level pics or are not doing a Round the World trip that you're not a travel blog. I think we have a similar philosophy of why we blog about the places we travel. I want to share and inspire others to get out there. While I haven't written about this yet, I feel like people (especially in the U.S.) feel like travel isn't important, worth it or fun. I want to inspire people to get out of their comfort zones and see their country or the world. I have no interest in travel tips or deals or travel industry information. You can find that anywhere. I don't have awesome pictures or a mass following, but I think our stories and voice are important, too. I also love food and think that it's just as interesting and important as any sightseeing you can do. As you can see, I can go on about this. 🙂 I think you are most definitely a travel blogger, but you do it on your own terms and that's the most important thing.

  • Oneika, you can call yourself a travel blogger if you want (or something else, if you like it better). You're writing fabulous posts. Anecdotal and casual writing shows personality. Some of the "pro" bloggers are, indeed, awesome, but a lot of them — even some of the really popular ones — seem to have plopped out of the same vaguely informative mold. You have a voice. Never underestimate it.

  • You're a travel blogger to me because you inspire me to want to travel even more, around the world and around the corner. You're inspiring the adventurer in me that lay dormant for a long time. I want to thank you for that and I love your photos, they show a happy person in a beautiful world what's better than that.

  • Love this. I grow weary of true travel blogs. Sometimes I care less about where someone has been and much more about how and why it affected them.

    …but that's from a culture lover…I LOVE discussing such things. 🙂

  • Awww that was beautifully stated! I don't read your blog solely because of the travel – though it's nice. I greatly appreciate your courage and openness in exploring diverse cultures and how you don't impose limitations in your life or whom you love. It's a wonderful example for women – and yes in particular younger black women and young girls who may not be exposed to different social circles or philosophies and therefore reject the very premise. So THANK YOU for this forum. Post when you want, what you want and how you want. By the way, I also wanted to share this post about owning your content which continues the previous conversation when Blogger went down. I hope you find it useful. http://www.lizstrauss.com/2011/03/02/everyones-business/why-its-smart-to-own-your-content-url-publish-at-home-first-and-only-share-on-facebook-flickr-youtube/

  • The real reason I really like your travel blog (and yes it is a true travel blog), is the way you represent yourself. I like the natural beauty and curiousity that you convey. Many bloggers cannot convey a sense of who they are. You are the travel buddy waiting for me at a far away destination, the cool friend I have and we can't wait to shake it up in Italy! That's the feeling many of us get when we read about your travels, et al. We see ourselves traveling with you because you're that cool travel buddy that we won't be bored with, LOL! Thank you and keep it coming!

  • @Terri: Thank you sooo much for your kind words!! I also get the feeling that travel is not as high a priority for people in the US or Canada, but I also feel that many North Americans feel that travel is a luxury that is out of their reach. I want to show people that it's possible! And you're right, our voices ARE important, though we may be 'little guys' in the travel blogging world.. 🙂 I LOVE reading your blog because of the personal touch, by the way!

    @Melanie: Wow, thanks so much for the compliments! I guess I just have to be "me". I also find that the travel blogs that I find the most interesting are the one that have that casual, conversational tone- makes me feel like I'm right along with the person travelling…

    @Flaming: Aww, thanks lady!! I've been inspired by so many others and am so happy with what I'm doing (most of the time!) that I want to show my joy and encourage people to go for it and seek it in the same way if it's something they're thinking about!

    @Hannah: You hit the nail right on the head!! I care about people's travel experiences and how they were affected by them more than where they've actually been. I think I'm a real culture lover as well!

    @Faith: Thank you! I think that there is definite perception that Black people don't "do" travel… But we do! Maybe not as much as we could.. I'm usually the only Black face (or one of few) when I travel… So in my own little way I guess I'm trying to promote travel to people like me… Will defintely check out that link!

    @Tanya.lamere: Thank you for that lovely comment!! I'm blown away by the love being shown here! I'm glad that you enjoy my tales of adventure and that you see me as a potential travel buddy! I feel like travel is a highly inclusive activity and I LOVE to meet people and travel with them on the road. Come join me if you can, you are definitely welcome. 🙂

  • I 1000000% agree with EVERYTHING you wrote.

    I've said this before but funny enough I DO consider you a travel blogger but you're precisely the kind I LOVE. The kind that has opinions and isn't afraid to voice it, the kind that shows, the real unstaged photos of everyday things, the one who writes as if writing to a friend…complete with smiley faces and lol's 🙂

    In writing my post I was realizing that I felt the pressure (self imposed) to live up to the pro-travel blogger formula…to explain, that is those sites/blogs where the photos are clearly well composed, edited etc…and the writing is…something that could be lifted and put into the travel section of a magazine or something. Not that that's not a good thing…but that writing is somewhat, I think, impersonal…filled with lots of, I find, cliches, and no real voice or opinion. You don't get a sense of WHO the person is and what they are truly experiencing….That's not how I write. That's not how YOU write…and guess which one I like better 🙂

    So maybe we kinda are travel bloggers but just a different kind?

    Anywho, like you said – you keep writing and I'll keep reading! (and if I want restaurant suggestions I'll just email you 😉

    (and I love the comments on this post and the discussion it has spurred – you ARE that cool travel buddy I wanna hang out with!)


  • Ok, your blog is amazing the way it is and it is a travel blog! I love how you give us amazing pictures and share stories, the amazing, good and bad. You are an amazing blogger and I am staying for your ride so please don't stop!
    As for me, I am not a travel blogger at all because I don't travel that much although I absolutely love it.I blog about my life as a single woman who is looking for happy. Self-improvement all the way, baby.

  • I think there is totally pressure to find some kind of niche to write in the blog world. "Travel blogger" "expat blogger" "mommy blogger" but the truth is – who cares?

    I love reading your blog. I like knowing there are other people out there living life abroad and experiencing homesickness and missing home foods.

    I don't really know why I blog – but i do. and I can't stop – it has a lot to do with being able to connect to people like you though!

  • I get what you're saying. My blog (http://nvalcius.tumblr.com) is a life blog masquerading as a travel blog. I'm really just writing about my life and the things I do along the way. It's my personal journey of self discovery and I'm conceited enough to think people want to follow along 🙂

  • @Kay: I told you that I write the way I speak… I guess that there IS room for us at the travel blogger table! Complete with LOLs and all… Thanks for your amazing post which is responsible for inciting this discussion!

    @Rhona: You are just too sweet! Blogging has allowed me to meet lovely, positive people such as yourself! I admire your quest for self-betterment and self-fulfillment and your dedication to it (especially switching to a vegan lifestyle- SERIOUS)!

    @Deidre: I LOVE that I have found you, Miss DecoyBetty! I love the way YOU write, and know that I can rely on your for a laugh… I love your snark and witty sense of humour, and how your storytelling is always like a friend giving gossip to another friend… 🙂

    @Nicki: I need to do some more self-discovering myself! I think I'm starting to learn that labelling what we are or what we do isn't that important. 🙂

  • I think you are a travel blogger Oneika. I don't think you have to be a set type of travel blogger. The best emails and comments I receive on my blog are not from advertising asking to give me money, but people who say they are inspired by what I write. I might not have the rankings of those who write SEO targeted posts, but it is what I know and enjoy writing. I think if you read a lot of travel blogs sometimes it can seems like you should be writing a certain way. In the long run, people are reading because you are different, not because you are like everyone else.

  • All great reasons to write! If you aren't doing it for yourself and inspired by your own desires, you will never be happy writing for someone else!

  • @Suzy: I am realizing that there are many different ways to define what travel blogging is. I know that I will continue to share for the reasons that I state in the post. I also find that the best comments or reactions on what I write come from those who say that they genuinely enjoy or who have been inspired in some way by my musings. It's so wonderful to connect in this way with so many different people!

    @JeremyB: I agree completely! I couldn't have said it better, Jeremy! Thanks for stopping by!

  • Oneika, you are a true blogger!

    You love to travel & to blog. So I don't really agree with you. 😉

    Blogs are so popular, because they are NOT National Geographic shots and they are not proffessional written articles by journalists.

    It's good that it is like that. A blog needs to be personal, otherwise I'll buy a magazine or book around the corner! 😉

    Otherwise even a blog needs some quality. It's not enough to just add a picture. A blog should still have the best pics you shoot and you should also care that your grammar is correct… at least if you really want that others enjoy your blog as well. 🙂

    But your pics and writting are fun to read and see!

    You just should think of changing to WordPress & get your own URL. Your blog is good enough for that & it will bring it to the next blogger level!

    You should also consider of adding social buttons, to make it easier for users to share your content via Twitter and other sites. 😉

    Keep up the good work


  • Ah yes. Labels. Always a hard one.

    I think whatever you define yourself to be, you are.

    I personally prefer the more personal touch where I really feel like I know the person blogging, so to me, you are my favorite kind of travel blogger.

    I don't actually want to read names and addresses and travel guide information when I read a blog. I want to know how one person experiences and sees the world. That tells me much more about both the blogger *and* the destination.

    Keep on being you, girl! You know that's why we're here! 🙂

  • You may not be the quintessential travel blogger but your definitely a travel blogger.

    I read those 'true travel blogs' and while they are informative, yours is definitely my favorite. 🙂 I love the personal feeling I get from yours. Plus you're so laid back. I find a lot of them to be a bit too formal for me.

    Also you were my first travel blog and you've inspired me to teach english after I get my Bachelors 🙂

  • @The Dude: Melvin, THANK YOU for your response and your very helpful tips! As per your suggestion, I just added the Blogger share buttons at the end of each post.. Will take your other suggestions re: moving my blog to WordPress into consideration. 🙂

    @parisimperfect: Thanks for weighing in! I will continue on with the personal touch/quirkiness that so tickles your fancy… I must say that I strive to write like you one day though!

    @liveletlive: Thank you!! I'm glad that I've inspired you to teach abroad! Don't hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions… 🙂

  • What an interesting post. I've been reading your blog for a while now… at least 2 years, maybe more? And I always have liked that you have that casual vibe and that it seems like you're just sharing what you are doing. It doesn't seem like you have a motive or you are trying to be a Lonely Planet or anything. It's just your life (a part of it, anyway) and that's always been what I loved about your blog. Your blog is the one that I read the most regularly and most consistently, to be honest. I love it!

  • @Erika: Thank you! I really enjoy reading your updates as well- makes me long for the days when I was an English assistant in France! I love that you have been taking advantage of your stint in Europe to travel all over the place, and love reading about your impressions of places I have already been (and places I haven't been to)! What are you plans for after you leave Europe?

  • As someone else who doesn't write a "true travel blog" I say…go ahead and do your thing! I don't really care to read the technical reviews of the food or the lodging. I want to know about the great sunrises, the mishaps getting there, and how you felt when you left. Judging by the rest of these comments, your readers think you're the real deal anyway, and they are the only ones that count!

  • Travel blogger I'm NOT…I barely blog…I'm such a flake. I get all hyped and bothered and blog for 2-3 days then I fall off the wagon! (I NEED REHAB!) I always promise myself I will do better but then I don't, one day I will. It takes me a while (if at all) to become disciplined in things.

    I blog because I think its cool, and because I like pictures (they're pwetty!) Also because I like learning someone else's story, what events or people brought them to where they are today. Its awesome and inspiring, and its just plain fun to read!

    One day I will do better and be a REAL blogger, but for right now I'm happy reading everyone else's posts. You guys ROCK!

  • @Travelin'Fool: Thanks for weighing in! The reason why I love writing a blog is because I get to "meet" other travellin' folks like yourself! So great to meet a fellow teacher and I'm so happy to discover your blog… I just checked out some of your posts… Jealous about your Nicaragua trip (and totally got your Nica what, Nica who reference right off the bat- hilarious)!

    @Queen: Merci merci! LOL @ your comment about needing rehab… I also love learning about other people's lives/stories!! (I'm nosy…lol)

  • I hear you. Write for you self first, the rest is secondary.

  • Gee…I love you pics and I love your writing.
    I'm still not sure why I have a blog….other than I was talked into it.
    But I love reading and when I'm not reading a book or the news, I'm reading blogs.
    ….And you have a great one.
    You are very real and easy going. It's like popping in on a neighbor and spending time chatting in the kitchen over tea and cookies.

  • Let me just say, that I've enjoyed your blog for the brief moment I've been here. Many blogs fall into the trap of trying to define themselves and lose all sense of themselves. Or some of them don't try at all and write about NOTHING and write poorly while doing it. So, bravo for finding your niche, even if it isn't really the niche you thought it was.

    PS, all the pro pics make me feel like crap when I have a point and shoot and post boring pics, so those aren't all their cracked up to be either.

  • Are you a pro travel? Everyone of us are passionate of it, and in fact the most powerful memories of our lives are always travel related.

  • I know exactly what you mean. I don´t know what I´m doing really, except that I enjoy it! My blog started as a New Year´s Resolution and I´m about to come into my 3rd year – my first ever resolution that´s been kept.

    But the reason for my blog as I think for yours is for you, your own satisfaction and there´s no greater incentive, nothing produces a great end product better than that – well done, keep up the good work and thanks for the great sharings.

  • What is a travel blogger? I read so many different types of travel blogs. Some are indepth country reports, some are just photos and comments and some are like little notes to friends and family. Personally, I like the personal, informal chatty blog posts. Like you say, I can go to Wikipedia and Lonely Planet for travel information!

    I refused to call myself a ‘travel blogger’ for ages. I hated the connotations that come with blogging and I just wanted to be someone that writes about my travels without having to have a label on it!

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